5 signs you need the Claris FileMaker Platform

We’re just loving Claris’s new way of explaining how beneficial their Claris FileMaker Platform can be for your business. We also wanted to share their new video, and their report which provides a useful list of 5 signs that you are ready to invest in the FileMaker Platform.

Welcome to the FileMaker Workplace Innovation Platform.

Often we are asked by potential clients, “What is the Claris FileMaker Platform?”. FileMaker’s new video explains it just perfectly.

A Workplace Innovation Platform like FileMaker allows you to build custom
apps to match the unique needs of your business and help to better
connect your systems, processes and employees.Most importantly, it will
help you free up your time and resources to get out of your own work rut
and focus on growing your business instead.

They remind us that a FileMaker Platform Custom App is great in these three situations:

  1. Helps you escape the work rut. It can help you get your team off the treadmill of time consuming manual processes to focus on work that matters.
  2. Work anywhere. Your employees can have real-time information, no matter where they are working.
  3. Bridge the gap. You can push your business further and meet new business objectives that wouldn’t have been possible with your existing technology.

5 signs you are ready to invest in a Claris FileMaker Workplace Innovation Platform

Claris FileMaker have also provided some handy information to help you know whether you are ready to invest in their Workplace Innovation Platform. You can read their full report here:


In the meantime here’s a quick summary of their key things to look out for.
1. Escape the work rut
Are you consumed with manual processes and managing spreadsheets, disconnected systems, and
administrative tasks? The report is full of handy charts to help you work out if problems you see when you are running your business could be helped by an app. Are any of these problems familiar?
2. Bridge the gap between appliance apps and enterprise systems
Do you use an ad-hoc mix of appliance apps such as off-the-shelf
accounting, email, and file-sharing systems to help run the core aspects of
your business? Although they are useful, they might not talk to one another, resulting in siloed
3. Unleash your ideas and expertise
Are you stopped in your tracks by administrative tasks, which prevent you from bringing innovative ideas to life?
4. Go fully paperless
Are you still relying on paper? If so, then it’s a sign that you could benefit hugely from a WorkPlace Innovation Platform. This is still a big struggle for lots of businesses. Things get lost, errors are made and business efficiency drops.
5. Move to mobility

The FileMaker report describes what we all know, mobile technology is transforming the world. If you are not making the most of this within your business, then it is definitely time to look at solutions that could help.

How can we help?

Claris FileMaker is a great platform, partly because if you need something simple you can have a go at building it yourself. We can help with that process. We can update and improve what you have made, help you plan it, or build it for you. We have a team of Certified FileMaker Developers who can help at very short notice – sometimes just for a day or even a few hours. If you need help then you can give us a call.

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