A deep dive into Claris FileMaker’s AI Semantic Search Functionality – Ian Jempson

Ian Jempson from Transforming Digital is one of our fantastic associate developers. He is a recognised expert on FileMaker integrations with AI and speaks regularly at conferences on the topic. He works alongside our We Know Data team as a technical lead and he has a real fascination with the capabilities of AI. He does a lot of system performance analysis for us and has recently worked alongside Claris to help them develop their new Semantic Search Feature which uses AI.  

In Ian’s latest blog he analyses FileMaker 2024’s new semantic search features which were launched last month. These semantic search features are designed to harness artificial intelligence for enhancing database searches. This innovative functionality is crucial for businesses as it allows for swift, precise data retrieval, ensuring that users get contextually relevant results. By simplifying how information is accessed, businesses can save time and reduce the complexity often associated with large databases.

You can read more about the FileMaker 24 launch in our blog.

Ian’s 3 key benefits of Semantic Search

Here are three key scenarios where he feels this technology can be significantly beneficial:

1. Efficient Data Retrieval: Enables quicker access to relevant information, streamlining workflow.
2. Improved Decision-Making: Provides accurate data that supports informed decision-making.
3. Customised User Experience: Adapts search functions to meet specific user needs, enhancing overall productivity and satisfaction.

However, this summary does not do Ian’s fantastically detailed blog justice. In it, he explains the features and functionality in much more depth, so if you are interested in finding out more about how Claris’ new Semantic Search feature might be able to help your organisation, we highly recommend reading the whole blog.

Read the full blog: A Deep Dive into FileMaker 2024’s new Semantic Search Functionality, by Ian Jempson


We Know Data is a Claris Business Alliance Platinum Partner

We Know Data is a Claris Business Alliance Platinum Partner with a team of Certified FileMaker Developers. If you need help with an existing FileMaker System or you are looking at a new digital solution for your organisation get in touch. We offer a Free 1 Hour Consultation

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Claris Platinum Partner

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